Would you like to participate in a successful real estate business and increase your income in a simple way? Then become a referrer now!
As a referrer, you recommend potential real estate sales to us and support us in our search for new, interesting properties. In return, you will receive 10% of the commission collected by Victor Investment in the event of a successful sale. Let's do successful business together and benefit from our partnership.
Become part of our success now and become our tipster!
Important questions and answers about the tipster program
What exactly is a real estate tipster?
A real estate tipster is someone who hears about a planned real estate sale in their area. They inform us as an estate agent and establish contact. If the sale is successful, the referrer receives a commission.
How do I become a referrer?
You provide us with an owner contact via our contact form or by telephone. Please make sure that you are permitted to pass on the personal data of the person concerned and that they agree to this. You will receive a referrer guarantee from us as soon as we have checked the recommendation.
How much is the referrer commission?
The commission you receive as a referrer is 10% of the commission Victor Investment receives. As soon as we have received the commission, we will transfer your share to you.
What are the requirements for a successful tip?
A prerequisite for successful advice is that the owner of the property agrees to the disclosure of the sales data. In addition, the property must not have been offered by us or another estate agent before.
To which properties does the tipster program apply?
The referral program applies to all types of properties offered by our company. Whether apartments, houses, commercial properties or plots of land - every tip for a property that fits into our portfolio is welcome.
Can anyone be a real estate tipster?
In principle, anyone can be a tipster. However, there are some restrictions: A tipster must not be the owner of the property in question or live in it. In addition, there are certain professional groups that are not allowed to act as tipsters in order to avoid conflicts of interest.
Do I have to pay tax on my referrer commission?
Tipster commissions must be taxed in accordance with the statutory regulations. If the annual amount of the commission exceeds € 256.00, private individuals are obliged to pay tax on this as other income in accordance with § 22 No. 3 EStG.
A recommendation - a commission:

Become part of our referral program now and earn money on every successful property sale. We at Victor Investment are not only looking for properties in Berlin, but also accept tips for properties all over Germany. Our aim is to discover exciting properties and close successful deals together with our tipsters.
Take the opportunity and become active - we look forward to your recommendations and a successful partnership! Contact us if you would like more information or have a tip for us.